Solar Return Sun in the Houses: Understanding Your Solar Return Chart
Happy Birthday to You!
While you may know your Sun sign and may have even had your natal astrology chart calculated, did you know that a solar return chart can be a powerful tool?
Your solar return can help you make sense of the coming year and the best ways you can use the energies to create the life you desire.
What is a Solar Return?
A solar return occurs precisely when the sun is in the same degree and sign as it was when you were born. It happens only once a year, around your birthday (because of various planetary factors, the Sun’s return to the degree in your natal chart is what is important here, not necessarily the birth day itself. For example, if you are born at 20 degrees Aries, on April 11th, your solar return might actually be on the 9th or 10th of April. Luckily, computer software calculates all that!).
A Solar Return chart serves as a snapshot of the sky on the day the Sun returns to the identical location it held at birth and is used to predict the energetic themes for your next twelve months.
Birthday charts are another name for solar returns. Interesting enough, the phrase "many happy returns" comes from the solar return.
Can a Solar Return indicate your life purpose?
Yes, it can reveal your primary area(s) of attention for the coming year. The Sun is regarded as the most significant planet in astrology because it symbolizes the self, the ego, as well as the person's will and sense of identity. The Sun's placement in a person's natal chart or solar return chart can provide information about that person's sense of self, fundamental personality qualities, and overarching life purpose.
The house your Sun is in on your solar return chart indicates where and how you will find happiness in the upcoming year, where you will "shine," and what will be most significant to you.
What does the Solar return Sun indicate in the different houses of the solar return chart?
Solar Return Sun in the first house:
The sun in the first house denotes a year that could be filled with opportunities for personal development and self-discovery. It might portend a period of rising self-assurance and self-expression, as well as the possibility of new beginnings and a clean slate. You may decide to revamp your image with a make-over. Looking good and feeling good are primary goals.
Solar Return Sun in the second house:
The sun in the second house denotes a concentration on values, belongings, and financial stability. While there may be enough now, it's also a good idea to consider what really makes you happy and fulfilled. Don’t let anyone bring you down. If a person, place, or situation no longer aligns with your values, then it may be time to let it go. An important year to remember that it is not selfish to focus on the things that matter to you.
Solar Return Sun in the third house:
In the upcoming year, the sun in the third house stresses the value of self-expression and communication. There may be more opportunities for learning, writing, or speaking at this time. It might also denote a period of heightened travel or attention to one's immediate surroundings. You may want to purchase a new vehicle, bicycle, motorcycle. Try learning something new just for fun and see where it takes you.
Solar Return Sun in the fourth house:
The sun in the fourth house signifies that the future year will be centered on the home and family. Either a period of emotional security and stability or a period of significant home-related changes, such as relocating or renovating, may be indicated by this transit. Check in with the foundation of your life. If there are cracks (problems) to be dealt with, then fix them. Start as you mean to go on. Reconnect with your inner child and what makes him/her feel good, such as hobbies, etc.
Solar Return Sun in the fifth house:
The importance of creativity, self-expression, and play in the upcoming year is highlighted by the sun's placement in the solar return 5th house. It may be a good idea to concentrate on your interests and hobbies and bringing more fun into your life (the fifth house is the house of pleasure). If you have children, matters with them may be highlighted in the year ahead. Since the fifth house is the house of the sun (ruled by Leo in the astrological wheel), focus on making yourself happy, especially in creative ways—and then share your joy with others.
Solar Return Sun in the sixth house:
The sun in the sixth house implies that the focus of the upcoming year will be on everyday routines and health. Increased responsibility or a review of the relationship between work and self-care may be called for at this time. You may be very busy in the year ahead with work. A promotion or career recognition is possible. Tap into powerful healing techniques to enhance your well-being. Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life — bringing more of that energy is possible now. Changing jobs is a possibility.
Solar Return Sun in the seventh house:
The importance of relationships is highlighted in the upcoming year by the sun in the 7th house. It may be a good idea to assess current connections at this time, or there may be more opportunities for partnerships. Surround yourself with those who truly support you and love to see you shine. Hidden enemies may be brought to light during this transit; deal with them appropriately and do not let them tarnish your reputation. You may benefit from an important partnership in the year ahead.
Solar Return Sun in the eighth house:
The sun in the eighth house suggests that the focus of the upcoming year will be on transformation and rebirth. Either there will be significant changes in your level of financial and emotional security, or there will be a greater understanding of life's deeper aspects. You may go through a significant “identity shift,” with its purpose being greater fulfillment and tapping into your spiritual gifts. You may benefit from the resources of others.
Solar Return Sun in the ninth house:
The importance of higher education, travel, and spirituality is highlighted in the upcoming year by the sun's placement in the solar return ninth house. There may be more opportunities for learning and development at this time, or you may want to investigate novel ideas and viewpoints. An important life-changing trip may be on the horizon. Choose a “stretch” goal, one that will take you out of a proverbial comfort zone. Start that book you’ve always meant to write.
Solar Return Sun in the tenth house:
In the upcoming year, the sun in the tenth house suggests concentrating on your career and public image. Increased career opportunities and/or a period of personal achievement are both possible during this time. Promotions and greater career recognition are possible. You may be working on some big / challenging goal in your career. The spotlight is on you!
Solar Return Sun in the eleventh house:
In the upcoming year, the sun in the 11th house emphasizes the value of friendship and community. It may be a good time to network and collaborate more or assess your standing in the communities you have chosen. You may take on a leadership role within a group you belong to. Work on your wealth plan and maximize whatever personal gains may occur in the year ahead. Make new friends through creative pursuits.
Solar Return Sun in the twelfth house:
The sun in the twelfth house suggests that the focus of the upcoming year will be on solitude and introspection. This may be a period of enhanced spiritual awareness or a period to consider any ingrained habits that might be preventing you from moving forward. You may be working behind the scenes on an important life-changing goal / project. Declutter your life—not just literal things, but also attitudes and relationships that may not lift you up and enhance your life.
How can understanding your solar return chart help your personal growth?
While your natal astrology chart is more akin to a blueprint of your soul, the solar return chart is a blueprint of your soul’s pre-occupations in the year ahead.
A solar return chart is an excellent tool for setting intentions and goals for the coming year. By understanding the potential themes and opportunities presented in the chart, you can set intentions and goals that align with the energies of the year, and thereby increase the chances of achieving them.
Of course, you want to look at your whole solar return chart, not just the Sun, to see the bigger picture of the themes your birthday year ahead might bring.
If you want to navigate the coming year with more awareness and purpose, and support your personal growth and development, then book a Birthday Year Ahead reading with me.
I’ll take a quick look at your solar return astrology chart and share with you the energetic themes that are likely to be a focus for your year ahead. I will also pull a few tarot/oracle cards for added insight.
Stella Wilde
Cosmic Pathfinder, Intuitive Advisor, & Manifestation Mentor
If you’re into deep dive self-exploration through vibing with astrology, tuning in with tarot cards, and expressing yourself creatively, then we might just be kindred souls.